Should we fear chatbots? (5 vocabulary)

1. practical · adj. 實踐的,實際的;實用的,有實用價值的

For entirely practical reasons, children are not invited

2. coherent · adj. 一致的,協調的;(話語等)條理清楚的,連貫的

They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company

3. sophisticated · adj. 老於世故的;富有經驗的;精通的

She is a sophisticated woman.

4. authoritative · adj. 權威性的,可信賴的;官方的,當局的

Is this an authoritative order or a personal request?

5. sensible · adj. 明智的;合情理的;意識到的,察覺到的

I am sensible of my error.


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