
Should we fear chatbots? (5 vocabulary)

1. practical · adj. 實踐的,實際的;實用的,有實用價值的 For entirely practical reasons, children are not invited 2. coherent · adj. 一致的,協調的;(話語等)條理清楚的,連貫的 They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company 3. sophisticated · adj. 老於世故的;富有經驗的;精通的 She is a sophisticated woman. 4. authoritative · adj. 權威性的,可信賴的;官方的,當局的 Is this an authoritative order or a personal request? 5. sensible · adj. 明智的;合情理的;意識到的,察覺到的 I am sensible of my error.


 Nice to meet you. :) My name is Coco. I come from Taoyuan, Taiwan. Drawing, listening to music and learning language are my habit. The music genre that I prefer is J-Rock. I also have experience of translating about 3 Japanese song lyrics, some mangas and interview to mandarin. I would like to learn other language like Korean, French or keep study in Japanese in my free time. Although I have passed Japanese-Language Proficiency Test, I still feel like my ability is not enough at most of the time. It would be great to meet others who like languages, music and drawing. Let's share our hobbies and learn together.